You have to enjoy your workouts otherwise it is really unlikely you are going to keep doing them. I saw a programme with Paul 'AB Man' Amos, who said the same thing. In a nutshell he explained that you need to select a workout programme that suits you, fits your circumstances and that you enjoy.
Therefore, if you implement a training schedule that doesn't fit around the other commitments in your life or something that is a chore, the programme is a failure before you even start. So take a look at your own circumstances and set your training around them and also select something that you want to do rather than what someone tells you to do.
Before I start any training session I warm up, I don't stretch before hand, I warm up. Stretching cold muscles can lead to injury, so stretch when you have finished, not at the start.
This is my current training programme - which has helped my to lose 15% body fat in 14 months.
Weight training:
Monday: chest
Tuesday: back & legs
Wednesday: day off
Thursday: shoulders
Friday: biceps / triceps
Boxing for fitness 5 times per week (including pad work and exercises for your lower abs)
Outside of this I also include;
2k (metres) on rowing machine (7:44 my personal best)
2k (metres) on treadmill (as fast as you can)
It is important that you allow your body to rest, as it is whilst your body is resting that your body will repair and build muscle. This is why I have chosen to rotate the muscle groups I train and more importantly why I do not tend to include any weight training over the weekend.
Check out my posts with the label 'workout programmes' for more information.
Get Fit 4 Good does not have doctors on staff, and the advice found on this blog is not a substitute for medical advice. Always consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or nutrition program.