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Sunday, 26 February 2012

Something needs to change

It is easy to determine the turning point in my life that made me decide to change. I am happy to say that it was actually a great moment in my life, I got engaged.

The date was set for May 2012, which is now less than 3 months away. Having said that, I didn't start exercising or changing my food habits immediately. I still don't understand why and am in fact a little disappointed in myself that I didn't. Maybe you can relate to that; knowing you need to change, having a goal and a future event that means you have to commit, yet you don't do anything about it. 

On 1st January 2011 I started my exercise regime, a couple of months later than I should have but I started. If you keep putting off your plans, can't get started, don't know where to start or have failed too many times previously, you need to identify your goals and identify what will drive you. 

I gave myself accountability with my goals as I told my colleagues, friends, fiancee and anyone else who would listen what I wanted to achieve. Considering I am devoted to healthy fat loss over a long period of time, my goals were achievable and realistic. 
  • Lose 2 stone by the end of 2011 - achieved 
  • Lose another 2 stone by my wedding - in progress but on track 
  • Go from 35% body fat (Jan 2011) to 12% (Dec 2012) - will let you know 
These goals have been set in stone (no pun intended) and are in the back of my mind every time I find it tough. The first goal drove me through 2011 and kept me focused, it was important to be able to monitor my progress and have something to work towards. Being accountable meant my drive couldn't waiver. 

I have had another motivator, something incredibly powerful and something that I recommend everyone tries to duplicate in some form. For me it is a picture of me and my mum at my sister's wedding. Under no circumstance do I want a photo of me at 35% body fat on my own wedding day. I don't think I would ever look at them and considering it is not cheap to get a good photographer, there is little chance I won't achieve my second goal. I will post a photo of me and my mum from my own wedding day later on in the year. 

To recap; to help you get fit 4 good, you need goals and motivation. Identify your goals, write them down and share them with your close friends and family. This will motivate you but if this motivation is not enough think about something else that will drive you. If you can have a mental picture, like mine, it really will help push you when you need it most. 

Email: loseweight4thelasttime@gmail.com

Get Fit 4 Good does not have doctors on staff, and the advice found on this blog is not a substitute for medical advice. Always consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or nutrition program. 

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Start at the beginning

How does it all get out of hand so quickly?

I came to London as a fit and healthy 23 year old, eagerly looking to begin my career and intent on staying fit & healthy. 

Yet a mere 4 years later and 4 stone gained, I was far from fit and healthy. I played a lot of sport growing up and led a healthy lifestyle but how had I managed to let myself get to this?

I have created this blog because I want to help all the other people out there who want to change what they see in the mirror. I made a change in my life for the better and throughout this blog I am going to share with you how I did it and how you can do it too. 

To be clear, this blog is not a 'guaranteed 6 pack abs by summer' or 'lose inches around your waist whilst still enjoying all the food you want'. If you want this type of fitness advice, you should probably look elsewhere. 

If you want to lose weight and lose weight for the last time, this is where to start. I'll offer advice, tips, training regimes and diet plans. There are no short cuts, only hard work and determination.